AIGA Indianapolis needs you to be a part of our new AIGA Ambassador Program!
AIGA Ambassadors add value to the meaning and purpose of our organization by spreading the word about the AIGA brand and advocating on our behalf of us to others who are not yet members.
If you have a passion to help make Indianapolis a more creative city, and love to network with other creatives, contact us today to become an AIGA Ambassador!
Ways to be involved as an AIGA Ambassador:
- Volunteer at larger events
- Bring in new members
- Network with new members
- Make social posts sharing AIGA information
- Write a blog post
- Meet with 1 person a month
- Repost 1-2 AIGA content on social?
- Be a current AIGA Member
- 6 (+/-) hour monthly time commitment
- Have a passion to make Indianapolis a thriving creative community
- Ability to attend bi-monthly (Also TBD) meetings with board teams Bi-weekly check-ins (via private slack channel?)
- Experience in event planning and previous volunteer roles a plus
- Excellent communication skills
- Belief in the AIGA Indianapolis Mission/Vision
- Promote upcoming AIGA events through social sharing/posting
- Attend AIGA events
- Network and build trusting relationships with potential volunteers/ambassadors/indy creatives
- Use word-of-mouth marketing techniques
- Thoroughly understand the AIGA Indianapolis mission to inform the community
- Assist in organizing and helping out at events and meetups