Member Monday: Herb Vincent Peterson

This Monday’s Member is Herb Vincent Peterson. Follow him on Instagram and check out his twitter account. View his personal site and view his studio’s site. Lastly, connect with him on LinkedIn.


Describe yourself in one sentence.

I am a dedicated designer and educator who believes we all need justice; I fight for those without voices and against systems of oppression within our immediate communities.

Where do you work/go to school?

I currently teach at Indiana Wesleyan University: Main Campus where I head up the Visual Communication Design program, I also run a full time social impact design studio called Marion Design Co. in the city of Marion, and if that isn’t enough I am currently working on my Doctorate in Design at North Carolina State University in the school of Design.

Favorite program/tools to use for designing?

Post-its, dry erase markers, Slack. I enjoy most the lo-fi and analog tools that aid in brain movement and collaboration!

Design hero?

Can I change this to hero’s? Tibor Kalman, Emily Pilloton, Bruce Mau, Victor Papanack, Paulo Freire

Favorite thing to do outside of work?

I am a big deadhead and still years later love to travel to shows in the warmer months, but most of my time is spent trying to figure out how to be a dad of two insanely crazy boys who rock my world. I love taking them places and experiencing life with them!

Favorite place in Indy?

The IMA (Indianapolis Museum of Art) specifically the Contemporary floor. I also love anything that is new and local from great restaurants to coffee shops where you can get a trim: Commissary Barber & Barista.

How and why did you get involved with AIGA? Approximately how long have you been involved with the organization?

I was introduced to AIGA when I was an undergraduate design student at Herron School of Art and Design many many years ago. I was fortunate enough to be apart of the AIGA student group and have always remained a member (My first membership was in 2004), the Indy chapter was only a few years old if I remember correctly.  AIGA has always been apart of my professional practice where ever I have been located and has supported me numerous times through networking and professional development.  I now co-lead the IWU AIGA student group at the university and serve on the Indy board.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on multiple projects and programs, but my big project is the book I am writing about the future of design education and the role of higher education in rural America. Its been two years in the making and a true labor of love. I have about a year or so to go and looking forward in sharing all of its contents via multiple platforms!

Any projects you want to highlight?

My most favorite project to date has to be the inception of Marion Design Co. We are going on five years of being able to serve people of our community through a wide variety of design needs. If you’d like to know more check us out at

By Kailee Koehler
Published April 6, 2020