This is our rally cry that speaks to the reasons we do what we do. It’s how we determine programming and the value we bring to this city. It’s the reason why anyone should become a member, and the reason why we’re proud to be members.

We’re for designers. For the minimalists and the maximizers. For the trailblazers
and the traditionalists. For the new kids on the block and those who’ve been
around it a few times.
We set high standards and stick to them, elevating ourselves and our industry. We
never stop learning. We never stop creating. We never stop challenging ourselves.
We believe design is a responsibility, that our work shapes the world around us,
that together we can help Indianapolis thrive.
We believe in community, a support system, a place to belong. We’re here for you,
whether you’re just starting out, perfecting your craft or defining your legacy.
We believe in design. And together, we can do amazing things.