Attention kickball players, coaches, and fans: You know the drill. Dust off those cleats, stretch your legs, and start making a spot in your office for that four-foot trophy; Agency League Kickball is back better than ever.
We're looking for eight courageous teams to spend Wednesday evenings battling it out to be on top, while bonding with co-workers and making new friends with other agencies.
Registration opens Wednesday, June 6th @9:00 AM- We only have eight team spots available, so don't delay!
WHEN: Wednesday evenings from July 11 to Aug 29 (8 weeks)
LOCATION: Riverwood Park 7201 Crittenden Ave ( only 4 mins north of Bripp Park)
GAME TIME: Session 1 @ 6:00 pm, Session 2 @ 7:15 pm
LEAGUE PRICE: AIGA Group Membership $350 | Non-Group members: $450
Don’t have a team, but want to be apart of the action? We need volunteers! Email for more info.
Review this FAQ page to learn details about what types of teams should play, referring, and more.