***We are sorry to announce that this event is canceled due to bad weather and the speaker's flight being canceled. We hope to reschedule for a later date soon.***
Join AIGA in hosting John Armstrong, President ICF Next, as he shares his experience of how design thinking has impacted the way companies and communities solve problems.
John leads a team of 1,700+ change makers who work at the intersection of deep industry and behavioral insight, creativity and design, and technology – all focused on helping brands thrive in the new economy. Throughout his experience as a senior leader for positions in the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific with Teradata, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and IBM, John has used design and design thinking to solve his clients biggest challenges. He was on the front lines at IBM during their resurgence of design and design thinking and helped found their internal agency, IBM IX. His first-hand experience of building a massive new team, blending acquisitions, and watching how design not only helped their clients but impacted IBM internally, led him to his current project, the Design Core. In collaboration with Steelcase and Herman Miller, the Design Core asks the question; How might we use the same process that corporates have embraced and create a framework allowing the power of design to impact the way the communities solves problems?
This event will be half presentation and half fireside chat with John with time for Q/A at the end.
Doors open at 6:00, event starts at 6:30.