Finding Success: A List of Women’s Leadership Resources

It’s great that you can find just about anything on the internet in a matter of seconds with Google. It can be daunting, however, when you get 356,927 results. So when you search hot topics like “women’s leadership” to learn more about how women are succeeding in business, it’s easy to find yourself falling into a rabbit hole of blogs, books, and podcasts.

To make it a little easier on you, AIGA Indy has put together a list of resources that we think provide top notch information to help you succeed or learn more about issues women face at work.

Women in Design



  • Indiana Conference for Women – Join us for the largest Midwest one-day professional development event for women, by women.
  • Linking Indy Women: Connect with professional women in Indy at these monthly breakfasts to hear inspiring stories from some of Indy’s successful female leaders.
  • Women in Digital: Women helping women and leaving all competition at the door.


By Whitney Daulton
Published March 2, 2018