This is the beginning of a blog series diving into a day in the life of an AIGA creative. Find out the simple things that get them through the day, or discover a friend who also likes their coffee with two pumps of peppermint, an extra shot of espresso, no cream. There’s gotta be another designer out there who takes their go-to coffee the same way as you…maybe?
So, without further ado, please virtually meet Tia Hapner, an Indianapolis based Graphic Designer and Creative Manager for Centaur Gaming. Centaur Gaming is a company that runs two casinos and an off-track betting facility, so it’s no wonder she slipped in a roulette reference or two during this interview.
A Cup of Coffee…or Four
First things first, how does Tia start the day off right? She says, “A cup of coffee…or four – I’m a morning person who likes to ease into the day by drinking my coffee, getting my social media fill and/or answering personal emails, and mentally preparing myself for my tasks ahead. If I wake up early enough, my day is even better if I can sneak in a few pages of a book that I’m reading.” But of course, those four cups of coffee are made in a certain way…if you were to get coffee with Tia, expect her to take hers with “one sugar and enough cream to make it a shade or two lighter.”
A Typical Work Day
When it comes to living the 8am-5pm dream, Tia describes working at Centaur gaming “like a roulette game; like a circle, the creative jobs and possible opportunities for these properties are never-ending and it is exciting to see where the ball will land so to speak.”
Going Out(side) for Lunch
Doing design work for a casino has its perks, but the real question is, how is the lunch break? Tia describes her ideal spot as “anywhere outside, weather permitting.” Recently she says she has “been eating lunch next to the race track” outside the office.
Free Time (Everyone’s Favorite)
When it comes to free time throughout the week, you can find Tia spending time doing personal design projects, reading, drawing/painting (usually charcoals/acrylics), and Netflix-ing. Her favorite subjects to illustrate are one of her three cats!

Tia’s entry into this year’s Bigger Picture Show!
Good Grief
When asked how her co-workers would describe her, Tia went straight to assume they would say ‘Charlie Brown,’ since she says ‘Good Grief’ all the time – just like him! Other than Charlie Brown, her co-workers would describe her as an all-around passionate person and designer.
A design piece Tia is most proud of is her ‘Bigger Picture Show’ poster submission seen below/above. This was a project outside of work and was completed this past April! If you’d like to see more work from Tia, you can find it on her portfolio website here.
To see more than just a day in the life of Tia, visit her feed on Instagram at @tiahapner.