Midwest Design Week

Save the dates for a week-long Midwest Design Week!

Dates: September 21-25, 2020

We, as part of the creative communities in the Midwest, are thrilled to present to you a 5-day virtual event, Midwest Design Week!

Critical times call for creative measures! As the global pandemic halted most in-person design events throughout our communities, we took the time to pause, think and re-evaluate the way we do things. We realized that this was an opportunity that we simply couldn’t pass up. Joining forces with design leaders from the Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio AIGA Chapters, this was the best time to highlight the creative excellence in each of our regions without our attendance being bounded by location. 

This was also an opportunity for us to be intentional and thoughtful in our event programming to reflect our stance against racism and to celebrate the diverse voices of our communities. We have planned a robust collection of virtual events that will leave you inspired, educated and reinvigorated. Midwest Design Week aims to celebrate the power of design and diversity with these inclusive and engaging virtual events — not just for Midwesterners, but for anyone with a passion to leverage design for good.


When & Where
Mon, Sep 21, 2020 - Fri, Sep 25, 2020
A Virtual Design Week!
Stay Tuned for More Details.